Welcome to Montfort Matric. Hr. Sec. School,
St. Thomas Mount

Orientation Program

On 31st May 2024, Rev. Bro Soosairaj sj and Rev. Fr. Stan cssr conducted a one day orientation seminar for all the Staff of our school on the topic- "Whoever saves a Life, saves the world Entire"
The day started with Lighting of the Lamp & prayer seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us through the day and make the learning fruitful. Rev. Bro Soosairaj started the Seminar by highlighting the topic- "Whoever saves a Life, saves the world Entire". Towards the second half of the day Fr. Stan cssr lead us into a session on "Happiness" with many interactive activities.
The Seminar was indeed enriching and boosted our morale in order to kick start the year with a lot of aspirations and dreams for our students and the school as a whole. The positive vibes of the Seminar will definitely hold good for us to keep our students' as our priority and work towards their progress and take each day as a learning experience, thereby hold the spirit of St Montfort our Patron seeking the intercession of Mary the Mother of God in every step of our progress.

New Library

Inauguration of the new Library by the Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier along with the Vice Principal Rev. Bro. Pakiyanathan with enhanced facilities in the Auditorium Block on Tuesday, 11th June 2024.

Vice Principal’s B’day celebration

On Monday, 3rd June , birthday of our dear Vice Principal & Bursar Rev. Bro. Pakiyanathan was celebrated with much enthusiasm. Brother cut his birthday cake while all of teachers sang the birthday song. A birthday video with many happy moments was presented to brother. Teachers expressed their wishes through talk and greetings. Brother most willingly obliged to all and made everyone happy.