Welcome to Montfort Matric. Hr. Sec. School,
St. Thomas Mount


Students of the Robotics team participated in the Technoxian World Robotics Competition and the won the war battle held at Noida from 25th to 27th July 2023.


The Unirobo Masters organisation initiated a programme for our students to invoke in them the talents of creating robots for various needs and purposes. Our school started a new venture called Robotics where the future whiz kids were provided with sufficient opportunities to bring out their talents and skills. Our school students won at the UNIROBO Championship conducted between various schools.
Montfort Robotic Club- Singapore
This year,it was indeed a pride marking event, when 14 of our students along with our Principal, from the Robotics Club went to Singapore for a Creative and War Model Competition-organized by the UniroboOrganisation. Our students added to our pride bringing laurels by emerging as winners in the competition.

In Robotics our students were runners up at the Vellammal Robotics Championship 2016. In November 2016, T.U. Abhishek, W. Jezra and T. Samuel received a cash prize of Rs. 6000 and won the championship.

Asia Pacific Youth Robotics Competition:
A team of 12 students participated in the Asia Pacific Youth Robotics competition held at Singapore of 3rd June 2017. The students participate in various events and emerged as winners in 4 major events. They won the Gold & Silver medals in Team Fortress Senior, The Bronze medal in the Sumo Singles (Legos) & Bronze medal in Sumo doubles. It was indeed a successful trip which positively ignited the accomplishments of the new academic year.

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