Welcome to Montfort Matric. Hr. Sec. School,
St. Thomas Mount

Principal’s Birthday Celebration

“Each Day of Life Is a gift from God to be received with joy and gratitude.”
On 13th Feb the Montfort Campus at St. Thomas Mount was filled with happiness and cheer as the students and staff of Montfort School and Montfort ITI along with the brothers of the community celebrated the birthday of our Superior of the community and Principal & Correspondent of Montfort School Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier.
A special assembly was organized during which the birthday celebrant Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier was welcomed with a Guard of honour and standing ovation by all the students and staff. The students of both the school and ITI presented a variety programme, comprising of singing, dance, special birthday videos etc. Students penned beautiful birthday wishes and class-wise they presented it along with colourful bouquets and birthday cards signed by all.The Vice Principal Rev. Bro. Pakiyanathan in his birthday wish shared his immense joy and conveyed his heartfelt wishes.Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier expressed his sincere thanks to all who have made his day a memorable one for him.
The programme ended with the traditional cake cutting ceremony during which the students who celebrate their birthdays along with Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier joined him in making the occasion even more special.
"Wish you a very Happy Birthday, dear Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier!!!"

Montfort’s Birthday Celebrations

“Time passes by, but moments become memorable”
Yes, it was a memorable occasion for grade VII to commemorate our Patron Saint LOUIS MARIE DE MONTFORT’s Birthday on 7th Feb 2024. Rev. Bro. Sleeve Reddy & Rev. Bro. C. A. James graced the program as Special Guests. The program started with a prayer expressing gratitude and seeking God’s blessings followed by a rhythmic graceful prayer dance.
As visual treat a compilation of life history of our Patron and his holy journey was portrayed through a video presentation. A Tableau was enacted by our students interpreting the sacrifice and service rendered by our Parton St. Louis Marie de Montfort for poor and needy. The Brothers, teachers and students honoured the saint by placing flowers and lighting the candles while the hymn “Glory to the Montfort” was played.

Rev. Bro. C.A .James addressed the gathering and appreciated the students, for their extraordinary performance and he shared his valuable thoughts. Our Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier in his speech expressed his profound gratitude to the Special Guests and advised the students to follow path of our Patron.
The highlight of the program was the cake cutting by our Brothers while the Happy Birthday song was sung by our students along with choir. The program ended with the vote of thanks followed by the school song and the National Anthem.
Long live Montfort!

Farewell class of 2024

"As this chapter closes, a new one awaits.
Farewell, dear students, may your future be as bright as your potential."
The farewell program for class 2024 was celebrated on 19th of February. Introduction was done by teachers, Mrs.Jency Vaz and Mrs.Jeyaleena. The program started auspiciously with a prayer song, followed by bible reading by Mrs. Jissy Jose. Then the response prayer was continued by our graduating students of grade 12. Students from each section shared their gratitude and memories which they experienced in the "GARDEN OF LOVE". Our teachers Mrs.Bhuvaneswari and Mrs.Geetha Middleton imparted their heartfelt words of wisdom and encouragement.
A band of girls and INTEGRATION OF BIOLOGY STUDENTS(IBS boys) led us in a musical symphony. Jenny Greta of 12 "A" recited a Tamil poem. Vice Principal and Bursar Rev.Bro.Packiyanathan addressed the gathering and Blessed the students. Video presentation was played rekindling childhood memories of our graduating batch of 2024.
Post that our Principal and Correspondent Rev.Bro.Stephen Xavier shared his wisdom and gave blessings to the students. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs.Monica D'Souza. The program concluded with a grand lunch.


Dreams of great people who have fought and sacrificed everything for our country have come true on this day. Department of NIOS conducted Republic Day Special Assembly. The Program was felicitated by the August presence of Ms. Kalpana D Kumar - Founder & Director, Kare. Other dignitaries who graced the occasion were Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier, Principal and Correspondent, Rev. Bro. Pakkiyanathan, Vice Principal & Bursar and Rev. Bro. Deepan, Principal, Montfort ITI.
The Program commenced with Prayer Song and welcome dance .Post that, students expressed their lofty thoughts on Patriotism and Republic Day in 10 different languages like Konkani, Kuki, Punjabi, Malayalam, and so on. Students also performed two beautiful dances namely formation dance and property dance. Formation dance conveyed deep felt message about Unity, Love , No Hatred where the hand gestures were used to display words. Property Dance focused on National Integrity, depicting through rich costumes. The speeches delivered by the dignitaries were filled with inspiration, inclusivity and patriotism. The Program ended well with Vote of Thanks.

பொங்கல் விழா

புனித தோமையார் மலைப்பகுதியில் உள்ள மாண்ட்ஃபோர்ட் மெட்ரிகுலேஷன் மேல்நிலைப் பள்ளியில் ஜனவரி 12ஆம் தேதி வெள்ளிக்கிழமை பொங்கல் விழா மிகச் சிறப்பாக நடந்தேறியது. குத்துவிளக்கு ஏற்றப்பட்டு வரவேற்பு நடனத்துடன் விழா இனிதே தொடங்கியது. நாடகம், இறை வணக்க நடனம் ,பொங்கல் நடனம் பல்வேறு கிராமிய நடனங்கள், உழவு தொழிலின் சிறப்பு பற்றிய பாடல்கள், என பல நிகழ்ச்சிகள் நடத்தப்பட்டன.
விழாவிற்கு தலைமை தாங்கிய திரு. தமிழ் வேந்தன் ஐ.ஆர். எஸ். அவர்கள் பஞ்சபூதங்களை நாம் பாதுகாக்க வேண்டியதன் அவசியம் குறித்து எடுத்துரைத்தார். போகி பண்டிகை அன்று மூட்டப்படும் புகையால் காற்று மாசு அடைவதைப்பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வை உண்டாக்கிப் பேசினார். மேலும் மாணவர்களுக்கு பொங்கல் வாழ்த்தினைத் தெரிவித்துக்கொண்டார். .பள்ளி தலைமை ஆசிரியர் , மற்றும் துணை தலைமை ஆசிரியர் ஆகியோரும் மாணவர்களுக்கு பொங்கல் வாழ்த்தினைத் தெரிவித்தனர். மாணவர்களுக்கும் ஆசிரியர்களுக்கும் பொங்கலும். கரும்பும் வழங்கப்பட்டன. இறுதியாக நாட்டுப்பண் பாட விழா இனிதே நிறைவடைந்தது.

Staff Picnic

"Making Memories Outdoors"
On 16th March the Staff were taken for a one day trip to Shelters Beach Resort at ECR to give them a break from the mundane activities and to refresh themselves. A group of 125 staff of both Montfort School and Montfort ITI joined the trip. We started from school at 8.00 am by bus and reached the resort by 10.00 am. We were welcomed with a refreshing welcome drink after which we gathered at the hall for group games. We were divided into smaller teams and amusing group games were conducted until 11.00 am. The next two hours we took a dip in the swimming pool. At 1.00 pm we had a sumptuous lunch with a variety of spread. Post lunch we relaxed a while under the trees and on the grass after which we went to the Beach. We then had our evening tea and snacks and gathered for a group photo. Although it was very hot day, we had maximum fun and destressed ourselves from the routine and returned back with fond memories.

“When we heal the Earth, we heal Ourselves”

Montfort school ,St.Thomas Mount has reached yet another milestone in its glorious journey having been awarded the Green School rating in the Green Schools Programme [GSP] Audit 2023-24 conducted by Centre for Science and Environment[ CSE ], New Delhi.
GSP Audit provided hands-on experiences to students to help them understand their environment better by putting them at the forefront of the activity. Students went around the school campus and collected data for questions on the six GSP verticals — air, energy, food, land, water and waste, while teachers and non-teaching staff facilitated the process.
Congratulations to the GSP Audit team .

Christmas is not just a season. It’s a feeling

A special assembly was conducted by the students of Class 6.Rev. Fr. Lazar SVD, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Amidst the jubilant festivities, the atmosphere brimmed with silence as our guest Rev. Fr. Lazar, Principlal & Correspondent Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier, Vice Principal Rev. Bro. Pakianathan, Principal of Montfort ITI Rev. Bro. Deepan and our Academic Coordinator Mrs. Monica D’ Souza lit the ceremonial lamp, as a symbol of hope and enlightenment.
In the heart of the school auditorium, the stage transformed into a scene from ancient times, echoing the story of Bethlehem. Students adorned in costumes ranging from shepherds’ robes to majestic angelic wings. The play commenced, unfolding the cherished tale of Mary and Joseph’s journey, the humble birth of baby Jesus, the visit of the shepherds and the wise men guided by the bright star. Amidst the heart-warming tableau, melodic hymns were softly sung in the background. The Nativity play stood as a beautiful reminder of the true essence of Christmas.
With a serene demeanour, the guest Rev. Fr. Lazar spoke eloquently about the significance of the season, emphasizing the values of unity, compassion and joy of giving. Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier, in his message emphasized the spreading of warmth and compassion to all around us. Brother appreciated all the students who took part in the programme to make it a big success.
The programme came to an end with expressing our thanks to everyone for their presence in making this Christmas celebration a resounding success.
“Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year 2024”


Students of class 6 to 12 visited Kochi, a beautiful place located on the south west coast of India. They departed from MGR Chennai central by Alleppey express. Kochi has retained the charms of the many cultures that was influenced by the British, Arabic, Dutch, Portugese and Chinese.
During this trip, students visited many exciting places and were greatly influenced by the architectural beauty and historical significance of the places. They visited the Athirappally falls which is the largest and the most beautiful waterfall of Kerala. It never dries out during the year. Later on that day, students went to shopping in the famous LULU mall .
The next day, students had an exhilarating experience in the Wonderla Amusement Park. Children enjoyed in the thrill seeking rides like Recoil, a reverse looping roller coaster, and Equinox 360, which spins riders at the end of a pendulum that swings 360 degrees. They enjoyed in the water rides , water slides ,a lazy river and in the pool area .
The next day students visited an ancient church , The National Shrine Basilica of Our Lady of Ransom, Valarpadam and offered their prayers. They were then taken to see the largest artificial island in India, Willingdon Island through a ferry boat service. Then they were given a tour of the Mattancherry palace and its bustling markets which was one of the main center for trade during the colonial period.
Going on a trip provides an unique opportunity to learn new skills and broaden students knowledge in various areas. Overall, the school trip to Kochi was a memorable experience that exposed the students to the city’s rich history, culture, and art.

Twins day celebration

“Two peas in a pod, who are forever bonded by blood and love.”

On 28th November a special program “Twins Day” was organized celebrating the Twins & Triplet of our school. A total of 31 pairs of Twins and 1 Triplet along with 12 pairs of Twins from Montfort School, Alandhur participated in the program.
They were given a Red Carpet welcome and brought to stage with a big round of applause and music. The program started with a prayer followed by a short video of each of the Twin where their classmates and teachers shared wonderful thoughts about them. They then performed a Ramp-Walk followed by a talent show where each of the pairs displayed their talents and presented the bond they shared with each other.
It was such a treat for the audience to watch them performing on stage, especially for the proud parents of the twins who were invited for the event. They were then felicitated by Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier the Principal, Rev. Bro. Pakiyanathan the Vice Principal & Rev. Bro. Deepan the Principal of Montfort ITI with a Rose and a Gift.
The delightful Twins’ Day celebration encapsulating the spirit of the festivity came to a close with a note, “Twice as much to love, Two blessings from Above”.


On the 10th of November 2023, the students of class 5 together with their teachers organized the DIWALI assembly. The assembly began with the hoisting of the National flag and Tamil Thai vazhthu being sung.
The program kick started with the gathering being welcomed by the students followed by prayer and three readings from the holy books. The lamp was lit as the songbirds of class 5 sang " Light of the world."
The significant meaning of ' WHY DIWALI ' was vividly enacted through a DRAMA cum DANCE by the Tamil drama troop. It was followed by a Thirukural . Few facts about Diwali were given to the students gathering through a video presentation. The song birds performed an action song.
The motivational wishes proceeded the FUSION DANCE by the dancing peacocks. The Birthday celebrants of the week were wished and blessed by the gathering.
The Vice Principal addressed the students gathering and gave a very meaningful message which added more colour and pomp to the celebration . He also greatly appreciated the performance and Hard work of the students and teachers. The grand DIWALI celebration inched towards its closure with a poetic conclusion and words of appreciation and gratitude to all that worked in unison towards its success.Even as it came to a close, the celebration was elevated to the next level with a display by the musical band.
As a finale the 200+ students of CLASS 5 assembled on stage and wished everyone and then the school song was sung followed by the National anthem . It was a day of grandeur for both the performers and the audience as the celebration was highly appreciated and enjoyed by the entire gathering, filling the campus with the "DIWALI SPIRIT"


A much awaited event of the Monfort Astronomy club was the inauguration of the Astronomical Telescope , Celestron Astromaster 130 EQ. The inaugural ceremony was held on 23th October2023. The evening was delighted with the inauguration and a night sky watching program. Bro. Deepam , Principal Of Montfort ITI graced the occasion as chief guest.
The sky-gazing session was conducted on a full moon Saturday night witnessed by members of the astronomy club along with their parents, ITI students and few enthusiastic teachers. It was a big opportunity to observe the moon and its finer details of its battered surface. Along with this , students observed Jupiter and its moons, Saturn, Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky), and other celestial objects . By attaching mobile phone to telescope, spectacular image of moon was taken. Students were much interested in watching the sky , especially the evening sky. Admiring the evening sky is a gateway to lifelong astronomy education.

Children’s Day Celebration

“Every Child is a different kind of flower and all together,
they make this world a beautiful garden”

Nov 14th 2023, Children’s Day celebrations at Montfort-‘The Garden of Love’ was a day to cherish as it paved the opportunity for the children to enjoy their innocence. Children came in colourful ethnic attires to add vibrance to the celebration.
The Teachers entertained the students with two variety programs comprising of dance, singing, thoughtful wishes and much more which was educative and amusing. They were also treated with a piece of cake on this special day.
The Principal and the Vice Principal wished all the children on this beautiful day and in their message highlighted the importance of being responsible and to enjoy their childhood with no prejudice . The celebration gave them lots of memories to cherish.

Teacher’s Day Celebration

“A good education can change anyone, a good teacher can change everything”

On 5th Sept Teacher’s Day, the leaders of the Student Council along with the Students of Class 11 & 12 organised a very meaningful celebration. Rev. Bro. George Vazhayil our founder was the Chief Guest. The Chief Guest along with the Brothers and the teachers were led in full honours by the Guard of Honour and the School Band to the auditorium making the welcome very special. The programme began with a Prayer followed by a graceful welcome dance. The students displayed a meaningful skit, melodious songs, scintillating dance performances, meaningful speeches highlighting the significance of the role of a teacher in every person’s life. Rev. Bro George Vazhayil greatly appreciated all the teachers for their untiring efforts in making Montfort school one of the best and sought after in the city. He congratulated all the students for presenting a meaningful programme. The Principal in his speech conveyed his gratefulness to all the staff for giving their best and wished them many more years of purposeful service to the student community. As a gesture of their appreciation the Management and the Principal honoured all the teaching, non-teaching and support staff with gifts and a grand lunch at the end of the day.

Astronomy Aditya- L1 Launch - 2nd Sept 2023

An industrial visit to SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE (SDSC) -SRIHARIKOTA HIGH ALTITUDE RANGE (SHAR), ISRO was organized by Montfort Astronomy Club of our School.The students accompanied by teachers departed by bus on September 2nd 2023 towards Sullurupeta at 5:30AM.
ISRO is the primary space agency of India and one of the largest space research organizations in the world. The Sriharikota range has been chosen for its proximity to the equator.It is close to lake PULIKAT and it is about 100km north of Chennai and close to the BAY OF BENGAL.
The objective of the visit was to provide a Technical Exposure to the students about Space Technology and its advancements . The visit gave a quality experience of witnessing the launch of Aditya –L1 mission from the Launch View Gallery.The group arrived at A2B for breakfast .

Then departed for SDSC-SHAR , ISRO and reached by 9:00AM. After several security checks and administrative formalities, Students were taken to the space museum that showcased various models of satellites along with brief explanations about them. Detailed information about the rockets and their structural naming, the kind of fuel used and different types of engines used in them were provided.
Several missions like Chandrayaan-1, Chandrayaan-2, Chandrayaan-3, MOM(Mars Orbiter Mission), Gaganyaan and many more were explained well. Students had a good insight into the quality of research happening in the area of space technology but also gave great exposure to the students about the future career prospects and areas of research in science.
Around 11:30AM, the students were seated in the Launch View Gallery to view the launch of Aditya-L1 , India’s first solar observatory mission. It was the 59th flight of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle(PSLV). Students braved the hot sun and witnessed the magnificent launch of Aditya- L1 enthusiastically after a brief countdown.
The group was back in Chennai by 5:30PM with fond memories and great inspiration, they also presented the Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier a Souvenir of the Scale Model of PSLV from ISRO as a gesture of their gratitude for giving them this golden opportunity.


Education trips offer students a unique chance to learn in new environments.

On September 1st 2023 it was a pleasant morning the students of grade VII started on their educational trip to *Sea Shell Museum and Mahabalipuram*
They first visited the museum and they were very excited to watch the four galleries in the museum. Students enjoyed the Dino park with realistic movements, they also explored the shark teeth and the whale fins joyfully in the sea shell museum.vThen they travelled towards the historical and ancient place Mahabalipuram. It was one of the major seaport for the Pallava Kingdom. Students learnt that each temple has been carved of a single rock, the famous Rathas show cases the artistic genius of the architects, their admirable skill of sculptors and their artistic work. Students admired and enjoyed the beautiful artistic carvings and the magnificent work of our ancestors. It was a fun-filled day for our students where they enjoyed a lot of recreation with a unique blend of education and entertainment.


A tremendous one day excursion for our tiny tots of the kindergarten ( LKG and UKG ) on Thursday 31st of August to MGM Dizzee World was planned . It's a day all our tiny tots waited eagerly.
The journey began to the amusement park by bus .We reached our destination by 10.30am in the morning . Children chose the rides that they wanted to hop on . The rides ranged from safe to merely thrilling like Tora spin , creeper Bug, Cup and saucer etc. Children enjoyed the Granny Bug, a carousel designed for the kids is the children's ride . Climbing aboard the Jurassic train they navigated through the park. Curious kids moved into the shoe house and moved out sliding down back to the ground . Merry go round on the colourful ponies was a super fun ride .
Our respected Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier also accompanied with us and gladly clicked pictures with the children.

Our tiny tots enjoyed wonderful rides in the park and they were extremely thrilled . A memory to cherish and revive, heart - throbbing experiences for the kids. The day was concluded by thanking the lord for the safe and wonderful trip.

Chandrayaan-3 Landing Celebrations

The successful landing of Chandrayan-3's Vikram lander on the South pole of the moon was celebrated with great gusto by the students of Montfort Astronomy Club[MAC] on 24th Aug 2023 during the Astronomy Club Period.
Students presented a video displaying the journey of Chandrayaan-3 from the launch to landing. The stage by stage landing of Vikram lander was shown which was very informative and an inspiration for students to pursue Space Science.
Our Vice Principal, Rev. Bro. Packianathan joined the celebration along with the Astronomy Club members and gave an inspiring speech.
The celebration ended with distribution of sweets to the guest and all the members.

Heartiest Congratulations to the entire ISRO family from Montfort, St. Thomas Mount!

Independence Day Celebrations

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with great gusto on 15th August 2023. The celebrations began with flag hoisting and a grand march by the NCC cadets, Scouts and Guides while the band played patriotic songs.
The assembly was animated in a grand manner by the students of std 11 B on 14th August. The celebration commenced with the procession of the National Flag, when students were solemnly giving their reverence. Our school Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier hoisted the National Flag.
The program started with a prayer and prayer song followed by the readings from the Holy Books of Bhagavad Gita, Koran and Holy Bible. A tableau was displayed highlighting the values of being responsible citizen of India, with a dance performance.

Say No To Drugs - An Awareness Programme

On Friday, 11th August a drug awareness programme was conducted at school for the students of Std 9 to 12. The programme was brought together by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. Deepak Shiraj, Assistant Commissioner Mr. Murali, Inspector Mr. Chellappa and Sub Inspector Mr. Kannan from the St. Thomas Mount jurisdiction. This initiative is taken by the honourable Chief Minister M K Stalin to create Drug Free TamilNadu.
At 10.00 am sharp the students along with the staff and the guests took the pledge to stay away from drugs and it’s influence. The Deputy Commissioner Mr.Deepak spoke on the harmful effects of drugs on teenagers and how it spoils their career and life.
A few student volunteers of Std 11 & 12 also delivered speeches on the topic “Say No to Drugs and create a Drug free Tamilnadu”. This programme stirred up the students’ conscience and set the stage for a drug free environment.

Kamarajar’s Birthday Celebration

" *Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.* "

Education plays a pivotal role in all of our lives and paves the way to reach our highest potential.On 14th July 2023, the students of class 5- D with the enlightenment of their class teacher organised their class assembly to celebrate the birthday of *Karmaveerar Kamarajar* whose birthday is also known as " *Educational Development Day* "The assembly began with the class teacher hoisting the National flag followed by Tamil Thai Vazhthu. The assembly continued with a welcome address followed by prayer and Bible reading. To shed the light of God a prayer song was sung.
Why Kamarajar gave importance to the education was highlighted by an enactment. Children enacted an incident from Kamarajar's life journey. A poem on " Importance of Education" was recited by the children .


On 18th Jul, Rev. Bro. George Padikara our Provincial Superior came on his official visit to our school. A special assembly was organized. We began with a formal welcome & Guard of honour. The Students & staff welcomed brother Provincial along with our Principal & Vice Principal and the brothers of the community with a standing ovation.
The traditional lamp was lit by the panel of guests followed by the graceful Prayer Dance by our angelic dancers which led us into prayer. A variety cultural show comprising of Dance, Tableau on Women Empowerment, Mime on Gadget usage, Song by the School Choir & Choral Recitation of Bharathiyar Kavithagal in Tamil was presented.
The Provincial Superior very much appreciated the students and staff for the excellent programme and also in his message highlighted the need to be focused.

In the evening a Staff Meeting was conducted and the Provincial Superior addressed all the staff of Montfort School and Montfort ITI. He greatly appreciated everyone for their dedicated services and contributions towards the upliftment of the institutions and motivated us to continue to do better. He also assured his continuous support and prayers. The day ended with High tea.

Farewell to Rev. Bro Sebastian ,outgoing Vice Principal & Bursar and Welcome to Rev. Bro Packianathan ,Incoming Vice Principal & Bursar

The assembly was animated by the Students of Std. 12A on the theme ‘Ethics’.The Std 6 students welcomed the brothers with flowers. The assembly began with the hoisting of the National Flag by the Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier followed by the lighting of the traditional kuthuvilakku by the brothers. The program continued with Prayer, Welcome Dance, Prayer Song, Thriukkural.
A farewell video presentation for Rev. Bro Sebastian was presented followed by Farewell tributes by the students. The Principal honoured both Rev. Bro. Sebastian & Rev. Bro. Packianathan with a Shawl and bouquet.
Rev. Bro Sebastian delivered his farewell speech to the students and staff and expressed his appreciation.Rev. Bro. Packianathan rendered his address and motivated the students to be focussed.

The Principal Rev. Bro. Stephen Xavier greatly appreciated the contributions of Rev. Bro Sebastian and also welcomed Rev. Bro. Pakianathan. The program was indeed a fitting farewell and a warm welcome by the students.

Teachers’ Orientation Program

On 6th June 2023, Rev. Fr. Kasi Sagayaraj, SDB conducted a Seminar for all the teachers on the topic “Building competency in the New Scenario” Father Sagayaraj lead the staff into a very thought provoking session which motivated them to prepare for the challenges in the new academic year. The interactive session concluded with a Group discussion setting the tempo for the days to come.

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